You are entitled to the claim for damage and losses from the third party insurer if you were involved in a non-fault car accident. Apart from covering the cost of damage repairs, other financial losses should be considered.
Following an QDOS Accident Assistance, examine if your vehicle is driveable. Check for the working status of the lights or that there aren’t any dangerous bodywork that could cause further trouble on your way. The leaking fluid also should be ascertained.
Choosing your repairer
You are never obliged to have your car repaired at the insurance company nominated repairer. You have the right to choose the vehicles repairers you are comfortable with. The insurer may try to convince you to have the car repaired from a network of their approved repairers. Never get unduly influenced by the insurers’ suggestions for the delay in payment or extra costs while you think to choose your repairers. Don’t be bullied
The association of British insurers, The Financial Services Authority and the Office of Fair Trading have agreed to have the repairers chosen by the car owner for getting the vehicle repaired. There are just a few exceptions to this rule.
Third-party claim
When the damage to your car not because of your fault and was caused by an identifiable third party, you can claim directly from the third-party insurer. Ensure to note down the third parties name and address, contact details, vehicle registration details etc., and get the agreement from the third party before beginning the repair work. You can choose the repairer of your choice, who can help you with the claim and assist before repairs are done.
Estimates Only
Your chosen repairer should provide you with one estimate that explains the method of repair and the cost of labour, parts and materials that you incur. If the insurance engineer and repairer does agree on the repair estimate, additional estimate be requested.
Insurance excesses and betterment
The amount that you must pay towards the repair invoice is insurance excesses, which is paid when you collect your car. And then claim the amount from the third party if the accident was not your fault.
VAT payment
In case you are a VAT registered motorist, you must pay the repairer the full value of the Vat that is due on the repair invoice.
Claim forms submission
The accidental details will be taken done by the accident management and insurers over the phone call. You would not require writing the claim form. Ensure to note down the time and circumstances that lead to the accident. Ensure you get the third part details such as name, address, phone number, vehicle registration and insurance company details.
Courtesy cars facility
When you avail the insurer chosen repairer, your policy might assure the courtesy car while your vehicle is getting repaired. Most often you chosen repairer also might offer thee courtesy car facility. But ensure to check for this facility during car estimation. If the policy does not offer the courtesy car service, check with the repairer for assistance on hiring the car for the duration of the accident repair in Nottingham.