Agricultural Tyres – R1 Tractor & Implement – Why It is Important for Farming

If you’re looking at buying a tractor, ensuring you choose the right tyresyou’re your application is essential. If your tractor is for agricultural use, it’s likely that the tyres will have to cope with a wide range of conditions  – for example, varying soil types, wet or dry conditions, on- and off-road work. It is essential to select agricultural tyres that minimise soil damage, while ensuring they are durable and can stand up to heavy loads. The agricultural tyre you purchase should deliver excellent traction and contribute to improved fuel efficiency.

If you’re a first time buyer,selecting the right tyres for your application can be overwhelming – both the tractor and the tyres are expensive, and the choice of tyres will have a considerable impact on the performance of the tractor.It’s important t understand clearly what you are using the tractor for and which tyres will best suit that.

Basically, tractor tyres are classified into three types – R1, R3, and R4. These classifications are based on the construction style, tyre size and the tread pattern.

R1 tyres havean agricultural tread which is suited to on-farm applications. R3 tyres are also known as ‘turf’ tyres, and they are commonly used for landscape turf applications, such as on golf courses or on ride-on-mowers. R3 tyres are used to avoid damaging the grass.

R4 Tyres are also called ‘industrial tyres’. Contractors and landscapers use them. These are an all-purpose tractor tyre, and they can also handle heavy weights and operating on pavements.

If you are looking for agricultural tyres, then R1 Tyres will be the best choice for you.They are the most common types of tractor tyres in use. They ideal for use in field conditions and provide superior torque, especially if they are radial construction.

There are two sub-categories of R1 tyres – R1 and R1-W (‘W’ stands for ‘Wet’). The R1 tyre is designed for general farming in dry conditions, while R1-W tyres can also be used in wet conditions as the treads are deeper by between 15 and 20 per cent.

So, which tyre is most suitable for you. R1 tyres are generally fitted to smaller tractors for use in lighter and general applications. Also, R1 tyres are less expensive, and are cost-effective. R1 Tyres will perform better than R1-W tyres in some applications. In applications where the conditions are drier and the soil is firmer, R1 tyres will perform very well, and also the tyre wear will be relatively less. In contrast, R1-W tyres perform well in wetter soil conditions and are generally better at self-cleaning.

Why Are R1 TyresEssential For Farming?

R1 tyres have slightly deeper tread and a wider contact area than R3 or R4 tyres, which offers better performance on the field and in wet conditions.They providea better ride on fields than on the roads.

One of the features that make R1 tyres perfect for farming is their self-cleaning ability. When you operate tractors with R1 tyres in muddy conditions, they clean themselves because the distance between the lugs is large enough to release the soil. Also, R1 tyres are the narrowest of the three tyres.

The deeper tread of R1 tyres provides a longer tyre life, and they are puncture resistant. The longer tyre life is also crucial if you need to spend time driving on-road between farms. For on-road driving, R1 tyres have the advantageofa wider lug surface that makes contact with the road, which allows a better force transfer.

Lower lugs allow the better intersection of the lug front on the hard ground without trouble for self-cleaning on the farm.

Buy R1 tyres with Oceanic Direct and let your tyre do all the hardwork. Oceanic Direct is the specialist in tractor tyres, and they share safety, reliability, comfort on the road, and the fields. They know how important it is for farmers and the agriculture industry overall to be equipped with tractor tyres that can maximise the load capacity, boost productivity, and provide stability even on challenging and rough conditions.

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