Brakes are one of the most integral elements of any vehicle. Maintaining your braking system and keeping it in good shape is one of the best ways to ensure that your vehicle is safe and protected. The braking system is made up of a number of different components including levers, pistons and brake fluid. All of these elements contribute to transmit force to the pedals that produces friction and make your car stop.
According to one of the Chinese manufacturers of Brake Pads, brake fluid in its perfect form is an excellent lubricant that shield everything in the braking system. When brake fluid leaks from the lines, the system loses hydraulic pressure. Brake fluid leakage generally occurs in one of the four components of the braking system including the brake master cylinder, front or rear brake caliper or the brake line.
Read on to know some of the noticeable brake fluid leak symptoms which will help you identify and fix the problem in time.
Noticeable Symptoms of Brake Fluid Leak
Brake Warning Light
The first sign that you should see is the warning light on your dashboard which will turn on if there’s a fluid leak or any other issue with your braking system. While this is an early indication and doesn’t confirm leak or any other severe damage, you must get your car checked immediately to avoid any further damage.
Spongy Pedal Feel
As it is essential for the brake lines to have only brake fluid inside them, if there’s a fluid leak and air gets combined with fluid, then the flow of the liquid will be interrupted. As a result, you will notice a squishy or spongy feel whenever you step on the brake pedal.
Puddle of Fluid
If you see a puddle of brake fluid near the wheels, then you have a brake fluid leak. Brake fuel is light yellow in color and changes its color as it ages. The texture is also slicker than motor oil and has a rancid smell. Make sure you instantly check your brake fluid level and contact your mechanic as soon as possible to fix this issue. Remember, the more brake fluid leaks, the less fluid quantity you’ll have in your system which will impact the overall functionality of your braking system.
Poor Braking Performance
Poor braking performance is one of the most noticeable symptoms that indicate a severe problem in your braking system. While there could be many possible reasons for poor braking performance, you must check your brake fluid levels immediately to see whether or not it’s full.
Popular Brake Fluid Types
Currently, there are many brake fluid types available on the market including DOT 3, 4, 5 and 5.1. All of these types come with their unique viscosities and boiling points. Since, the braking system produce a lot of heat that’s then shifted to the brake fluid, air will be introduced in the braking system if the fluid starts boiling during the process and may result in brake failure. The type of brake fluid you should use for your car entirely depends on the type of vehicle you own and your driving habits. Ideally, you should follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to select a brake fluid brand for your vehicle.
There you have it. No matter which particular symptom you notice, make sure you get your vehicle checked and fixed by a professional mechanic. While you can fix this issue on your own, this is one of those times you want to get in touch with the professional unless you’re confident about what you’re doing.