Should you hold Tesla for the next five years?

Tesla experienced a historically very irregular earnings trend and mostly reported a decrease or loss in EPS in the eight quarters, until the second quarter of fiscal 2019. Tesla thus generated four consecutive quarterly profits in the second quarter of the fiscal year. In 2020, further increasing its stake based on investor optimism that Tesla will be included in the S&P 500 index.

The company’s shares collapsed in September after the company was sold for inclusion in the index, but since then, the shares have fallen almost completely. By 2020, GigaFactory will achieve usable battery capacity not only for cars but also for fixed storage, improve transmission network reliability, reduce energy costs for businesses and families, and reduce emergency care.

Tesla estimates that factories, when fully operational by 2020, could reduce battery costs by up to 30%. The Tesla hyperloop record is about 500 miles, but the official Tesla Model S has a range of about 500 miles. Marketing Communication Plan To achieve Tesla’s primary goal of increasing the number of electric vehicles available to traditional consumers, the company incorporates a consistent and targeted marketing communication message in all media advertisements.

Derived from the product positioning statement, this notice should be consistent, concise, and frequently communicated. In addition, it should be designed to familiarize potential customers with the advantages of Tesla vehicles over other electric, hybrid or gasoline cars and encourage them to visit Tesla stores to test their products in the area. As a business, Tesla needs to speak with one voice to four large groups, each with their own individual needs. The group includes corporate clients, internal resellers, industry analysts and the press.

Update of earnings

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency estimates that there are approximately 265 miles on a single charge. Musk says Tesla is likely to be able to build a car that can do 745 miles on a single charge by 2020. Musk believes future electric cars are likely to rely on supercapacitors rather than batteries.

Supercapacitors store energy as a battery, but they store a large amount of energy needed for non-mechanical braking and acceleration much more efficiently. For these reasons, investors are optimistic about the stock and expect the Tesla stock to reach $ 3,000 by 2025. Any major R&D failure could suddenly pull in Tesla’s stock price. Analysts estimate that adjusted EPS will grow 57.8% in the third quarter of 2020. As growth is strong, TSLA stock price is estimated to increase more in the next year. You can check more from

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